The Cursillo Movement is an apostolic movement that is 50 years strong! Its name comes from the Spanish word “Cursillo” which means "small course."
The goal of Cursillo is to provide experiences to help active Catholics who want to take their faith to the next level, to discover and better live what is fundamental in Christianity and to share the essence of Christianity with others. Experiences include retreats, small groups and larger gatherings (called Ultreyas).
Ultreya potluck gatherings usually take place the first Sunday of every month at 5:30 pm in the home of members, but due to COVID-19 these have been postponed until further notice. Zoom meetings are taking place from time to time. If you are interested in learning more please call the parish office at (619) 469-0133 for a contact number.
To learn more about the San Diego Cursillo movement click HERE.