Vocational Sacraments
Holy Matrimony
Marriage in the Catholic Church is more than the celebration of a couple's love for each other.
While the Church rejoices in your love, we also recognize the One who is the author of your love. These guidelines have been established so that this time of joy will not only be an experience filled with happiness but also one that expresses faith and reverence in God in whose love we have been created.
If you wish to be married at Our Lady of Grace, it is desirable that one of you be a resident of Our Lady of Grace Parish. If neither of you live in our parish, then it is necessary to have permission of your own pastor before we can celebrate your wedding.
For more information and specific instructions for planning your wedding at Our Lady of Grace, please download and print these instructions:
Holy Orders & Religious Vocations
Those who receive the sacrament of Holy Orders — as a deacon, priest or bishop — are consecrated in Christ’s name “to feed the Church by the word and grace of God.”
For more information about answering God’s call, please visit:
Fishers of Men - Catholic Priesthood
Are You Called?
Are you interested in a possible vocation to the priesthood? If living a life of service for Christ and the people of God is attractive to you, take advantage of the opportunity to contact Fr. Peter McGuine at the OLG parish office or Fr. Lauro Minimo, Director of Priestly Vocations, at (619) 291-7446.